What is SuperFox Mode?
SuperFox mode in WSJT-X is designed for DXpeditions to achieve higher digital QSO rates compared to previous versions. Traditionally, the Fox could transmit up to 5 streams, each 50 Hz wide. The SuperFox, however, transmits a single, full-power, constant-envelope waveform 1512 Hz wide. This allows the SuperFox to communicate with up to nine SuperHounds simultaneously without any reduction in signal strength.
Additionally, the SuperFox transmits a digital signature of authenticity, enabling SuperHounds to verify the legitimacy of the expedition, thus reducing piracy.
Do You Need Special Software?
Yes, both the SuperFox and SuperHound need WSJT-X version 2.7.0-RC5 or newer.
Receiver and Transmitter Settings
No special bandwidth settings are needed. The SuperFox’s 1512 Hz wide signal works with the same settings used for WSJT-X.
Software Settings for SuperFox and SuperHound
- SuperFox: In WSJT-X, go to Settings > Advanced, select the Fox radio button, and check the SuperFox mode box. You will need to obtain and enter a Key.
- SuperHound: In WSJT-X, go to Settings > Advanced, select the Hound radio button, and check the SuperFox mode box. No Key is needed.

A red SuperFox or SuperHound marker will appear in the lower center of the WSJT-X screen when these settings are applied.
Transmission Frequencies
- SuperFox: Transmits from 750 Hz to 2262 Hz.
- SuperHound: Can transmit anywhere from 200 Hz and up.

Rig Split Operation Settings
No changes needed. Use the same Split settings as before. For Fox, you may also use None, as no VFO shifting will be done.
SuperFox Frequencies
DXpeditions define their frequencies, which should be posted on their websites or via DX spotting networks. SuperFox stations should not transmit on standard FT8 frequencies.
Verifying SuperFox Authenticity
know the SuperFox is not a pirate

The SuperFox transmits a digital signature verified by the SuperHound. A displayed message will confirm the SuperFox’s callsign as verified. If this message does not appear, the transmission is not verified.
Equipment Requirements
No special hardware is needed; only your WSJT-X software needs to be updated.
Completing a QSO
An RR73 message will be received as in previous versions of WSJT-X. If not received, wait a few minutes and call again.
Identifying SuperFox Mode
SuperFox signals are 1512 Hz wide, compared to the 50 Hz wide normal FT8 signals. The sequence of tones is different, making it easy to distinguish between SuperFox and normal FT8 signals.
Calling Cycle for SuperHounds
Continue calling until a reply is received, as there is no way to know your position in the Queue or if you are in the Queue at all.
Availability of Old-Style Fox/Hound Mode
Yes, old-style Fox/Hound Mode is still available, along with the new SuperFox/SuperHound modes.
SuperFox mode in WSJT-X represents a significant advancement for DXpeditions, allowing for faster and more efficient QSOs while maintaining signal integrity and authenticity verification. This new mode will be particularly beneficial for DXers with limited power and antennas, expanding their opportunities to achieve DXCC awards.
Stay tuned for updates.